The May Day Freedom Fest was a complete success! On Saturday May 1st, thousands of people came to Union Square to stand up for Immigrant Rights and say no to the racist anti immigrant laws passed recently in Arizona. There was also a strong stance taken against the supposed reform of the Schumer-Graham bill. The reality is is that we need legalization for now and an immediate stop to the deportations and raids. ICE seems to have become a rogue agency that terrorizes immigrants and divides families. Whats going on in Arizona is the revival of Jim Crow!
The response led to the largest rally that Union Square has seen since the marches of 2006. Families, students, workers, students Hip Hop artists and many different organizations came out. It helped that it was a beautiful 80 degree day under the sun.
The day started with the morning set up team meeting up at RDAC BX at 7am. From there we all rolled up to Union Square and set up shop. The whole RDAC sound system was put to use! We chalked up the whole area and there we had it: Hip Hop was back in the Park. Outdoors. For the people and free!
Around 11am the people started arriving, folks gathered....and the rally was on!
There was much teamwork that went on to put on the May Day Freedom Fest. RDAC BX came together with The May 1st Coalition ( www.may1.info ) and put out the calling to the masses. The result was a really dope program in that there were speakers for 30 mins and then culture for 30 mins. This led to a great balance between politics and culture and also between the generations. There were artists from all over that came to support. Artists like Hasan Salaam and Bad Sportt from New Jersey, Reyes del Bajo Mundo from El Salvador, Marcel Cartier, Fascious,GTP and Division X from The Bronx, Crosby from the Lower East Side, Immortal Technique from Harlem, Rebel Diaz from Chicago/S.Bronx, Dj Ethos from Los Angeles and Dj Charlie Hustle reppin Milwaukee. We also were blessed with the participation of Rev. Claudia De la Cruz from the revolutionary, La Iglesia San Romero de Las Americas. We also had the solidarity of some striking students in Puerto Rico and the son of PR Political Prisoner Avelino Claudio Gonzalez. Hip Hop was united that day and it wasnt only in performing. In true solidarity the artists not only performed but also helped take down the sound system and load the trucks afterwards. This type of camraderie is whats needed yall!! The march continued to Federal Plaza but we stayed back to take the sound system down.
This march was only the beginning of much work that is needed and that the RDAC BX will continue to support! We need Legalization 4 All! Lets not forget, besides the Native Americans and the forced Migration of Africans thru slavery, we are all immigrants. Like Immortal Technique said " We may not run America, but we make America run!!"
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